
Quantitative research

Quantitative methods of sociological research are based on surveys of a certain number of respondents and allow to obtain numerical values to be studied.

Quantitative research got its name because of its focus on obtaining quantitative information about a large number of research objects. Such research is aimed at studying objective, quantifiable characteristics of human behavior and is used when accurate, statistically reliable data are required.


Quantitative methods are the most commonly used as their use allows to disseminate the research results to the whole population and speak in general terms about the population of a country or a particular region due to the coverage of many respondents.


Strict statistical models and large samples that allows to determine the quantitative (numerical) values of the studied indicators are always used in the quantitative research methods. The stringent requirements for sampling in quantitative research based on probability theory and mathematical statistics are applied. Data processing in such studies is conducted using the orderly procedures that are quantitative by virtues of its nature. The research results are statistically significant and can be extrapolated to the entire population of the region or a group to which the research is aimed.


Quantitative methods are recommended to be used: ·

  • To determine the frequency and volume of goods consumption
  • To compare the relative effectiveness of ready-made concepts ·
  • To identify the source of information ·
  • For public opinion polling


Quantitative research methods: ·

  • Questionnaire survey
  • Face-to-face interviews ·
  • Telephone interviews